Most motorists opposed to 20mph zones According to the latest statistics, half of drivers from the UK are opposed to a blanket 20mph speed limit.æ Currently, a fifth of UK drivers are undecided, with male drivers more likely to accept the idea of the limit than females. The new data completely counters research made by road charity Brake last month, which claimed that eight in ten drivers were in favour of the schemes.æ The data from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) also stated that 55 per cent of young drivers were against the 20mph zones with 34 per cent of older drivers in favour. 94 per cent of drivers that responded were supportive of the lower speed limits being introduced outside schools.æ However, the other most popular areas in terms of support were only measured at 34 per cent (parks) and 21 per cent (hospitals and shops). Interestingly, over three quarters of drivers surveyed believed that 20mph speed limits would help to increase safety levels for pedestrians.æ Only one fifth thought the limit would benefit cyclists. The reduction in pollution and noise was not considered a significant benefit. This idea of using 20mph signs to enforce lower limits was twice as popular as the usage of actual physical traffic calming measures.æ It was also three times more popular than the use of speed cameras.æ Only a fifth of drivers asked believed that enforcing 20mph limits should be a priority for the police. IAM Chief Executive Simon Best said: 'Drivers are not as negative about 20mph speed limits as many commentators would have us believe.æ Those responding to our survey found it quite easy to stick to 20 and there is large scale support for 20mph outside schools.î 'However, most drivers don't want 30mph zones to be replaced with 20mph in towns.æ Many drivers still need to be convinced it would be a benefit.æ Re-education is also much more popular than prosecution.æ The total number of under-16s involved in accidents between school rush hours in the morning and afternoon is 6,106.æ Good design and widespread consultation is the key to the successful use of 20mph zones as a road safety tool because limits that match the road environment enforce themselves.î