A new report has found that nearly half of drivers are still confused by the new drug-driving law. The survey _ which was carried out by Insurance Revolution _ found that 53.3 per cent of drivers believe they still don't know enough to completely understand the change in law. The new legislation came into effect on March 2nd, and includes restrictions on 16 drugs.æ Penalties include a minimum one-year driving ban, a fine of up to £5,000 and a criminal record. Two people per day were said to be caught in the early days of the new law, with police officers using 'drugalysers' to test drivers. One of the major concerns of the new law was that it could affect those using prescription drugs as well as those taking illegal drugs. 16 of the drugs covered under the new law are available on prescription:

  • Clonazepam,
  • Diazepam,
  • Flunitrazepam
  • Lorazepam
  • Methadone
  • Morphine
  • Oxazepam
  • Temazepam.

Mark Rigby, head operating officer, Insurance Revolution, said: 'Drug driving is deadly and needs to be wiped out, but while this is a good step towards that, we need to be sure that there is no confusion regarding the implementation of new driving laws and regulations moving forward.î Though the issue is serious, it's apparent that there is genuine confusion amongst UK motorists.æ Many people are simply unaware that prescription drugs are covered under the new law. Almost a third (28.8 per cent) of participants in the survey believed that the new law would definitely help cut the number of drug drivers and accidents, with 38.2 per cent unsure that the repercussions for driving under the influence are strict enough. 34.4 per cent of those with experience of drug driving claimed that it doesn't affect the body in the same way that alcohol does. Indeed, more than half of those aged between 18 and 24 believed that drug driving actually makes you a better driver.