New signs capable of detecting mobile phone use by drivers are to be rolled out across Norfolk, following a successful trial. Designed by safety sign designer Wescotec, the new Mobile Phone Detection System (MPDS) is a movable sign capable of identifying the use of mobile phones for texting or calls. A sensor monitors oncoming vehicles and then sends information to another sign placed further along the road, which will flash red when phone use is detected. Road safety manager, Iain Temperton, said: 'We have been trialling the MPDS at a number of locations in Norfolk and it's proved to be a flexible and extremely useful piece of equipment that we're now ready to roll out across the county. "The system can't detect whether it's a passenger using a phone in a vehicle or whether a hands-free device is being used. But of course, those people don't need to be worried if they get a flash from the sign. 'But for those drivers who are on their mobiles, the system is a powerful, effective and very public reminder that they have been detected, and that they are putting those around them at real risk by doing so." Chris Spinks, Chief Inspector for Norfolk and Suffolk roads policing, said: 'I welcome any innovations in technology which can be used alongside traditional methods to improve safety on our roads.î