Securing an accurate picture of business mileage and the availability of cost-reduction tools are fast emerging as the most important needs of fleet operators from telemetry systems, according to a new survey. The research of 20 of the UK's leading independent business fleet managers by In-Car Cleverness has revealed a number of key drivers in the race to optimise operational efficiency on the nation's motorways. With contract hire firms struggling to balance solutions that allow them to efficiently handle fleet running costs and the increasing demands from corporate clients, the survey is designed to highlight common issues for the fleet industry to discuss and solve. The report ranked the top five needs of operators throughout the UK:

  • Accurate business mileage capture
  • Cost reduction tools
  • Management of duty of care responsibilities
  • Efficiency improvements
  • Accident detection with forensic analysis

Fleet managers admit that, while cost-reduction tools are not the most complex of requirements, advanced features such as after-incident forensic and real-time remote diagnostics are growing in importance as new business drivers. Tim Eaves, commercial director of In-Car Cleverness, said: "We have already seen how those who are committed to delivering the right solutions that telematics ranks high in their thought patterns for 2013. "Now we are starting to see the first signs that those operators with the foresight to think ahead are already crystallising what they want telematics to deliver for them." At IT Fleet we are experts in the appraisal and preparation of fleets to ensure consistent vehicle quality that enhances residual values over time. By using our considerable industry expertise and technology, we are able to provide customised solutions to meet the specific needs of each and every one of our clients. If you would like to discuss our range of fleet services designed to keep your business moving then call our friendly team today on 01473 313057 or drop us a line using our online enquiry form.