Fleet drivers are being encouraged to keep their tyres well inflated to reduce the risk of tyre failure in these warm summer months. Excess heat is known to build up within under-inflated tyres, which can lead to rapid deflation, creating safety risks for drivers. Stuart Jackson, TyreSafe chairman, said: 'We all love the hot weather _ apart from our tyres if they're not properly looked after. 'With July and August normally being the hottest two months of the year, car tyres are placed under increased stress from the higher temperatures like we're currently experiencing. 'It really is important that motorists check their pressures at least once a month all year round, but even more so at this time of the year.î Under-inflation can cost fleet business thousands of pounds in replacement and maintenance costs each year, with increased fuel consumption requirements and the associated cost of punctures and damage from crashes. Fleet drivers are encouraged to check the pressure of their tyres, particularly before embarking on long journeys. TyreSafe has now released a handy mobile phone app, which allows users to enter their car registration number and identify the correct tyre pressure for their model. Last year the RAC attended more than 50,000 tyre related call-outs in July and August alone. RAC spokesman Simon Williams said: 'In 2012 RAC patrols attended 344,000 call-outs for tyre and wheel jobs, making it our second biggest breakdown with 15 per cent of our 2.3 million breakdowns. 'We urge everyone taking to the roads this summer to make sure their tyres are in good condition otherwise they risk spending some unwanted time on the hard shoulder or in a lay-by instead of on the beach.î